Trust, Lean, and Acknowledge Him & He will direct your paths

Several Christmases ago, I received gifts from family members that fulfilled a dream to travel to several destinations out west. The amazing thing was that each gift, which came from different family members, seemed to satisfy a particular need at just the right time and place. It was as though they had planned and mapped out the entire trip and coordinated it with the time of year that was best for me to be away from work. As a result, it turned out to be than I could have ever planned on my own. Those who knew me best and loved me most worked out all the details. The memories of this event illustrate to me how God is constantly orchestrating our lives. His plan and timing are perfect. As I recall some significant events in my own life, I realize how many of them began with seemingly small decisions, that started a course leading down a different path in life. Has your life ever intersected with someone at just the right time or have you ever avoided a disastrous event because of what you thought to be a small frustration? I am grateful that our faith is in one who knows and understands all the moving pieces in our lives for today and tomorrow. Most importantly, he can be trusted. My grandmother taught me what has become my favorite scripture and it reflects this important truth. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Prov. 3:5-6) Trust him today for direction in your life.     Jeff Simpson, January 2019

The Release of a New Project - Thankful

As we've prepared for this project, and the songs that the Lord laid on our hearts to sing, we are constantly reminded of how Thankful we are for the blessings of the Lord in our lives.

Thinking back to our singing with our family as children, and young teens. "Music Ministry" was not always at the top of favorite things to do. However, the fact that God had given us a little bit of talent, and we had parents who instilled in us the blessing that comes from following the Lords leading brings us to today.

The greatest joy in our lives now comes from spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through music ministry as a family. It truly is our desire to go and tell the world of Jesus love. Songs like Send Me, I am not Ashamed, and I Love to Tell the Story are all testimony to this desire. We are so Thankful for the opportunities!

The road has not always been easy, and it's not today. There are constant mountains we must face, and trials that we go through. From health concerns, to relationships, the workplace, and just day to day life, can be challenging even for the christian. However, as a child of God, we can lean on him and those mountains truly bring us to a stronger relationship with the Lord. It's amazing that the Lord gave us songs like "Sometimes it takes a Mountain", and "There's never been a Mountain" at a time when we would need the words of songs like that most.

Songs that we are able to continue to do such as "Sheltered in the Arms of God" and "He Touched Me" serve as constant reminders of God's faithfulness. We remain Thankful for the blessing of God through the good times and bad.

Lastly, we're Thankful for you and your support of our ministry. May God use our songs, our lives, and music ministry to encourage you each time you listen.

Robin, Lisa, & Jeff

2015 - This Could Be the Year

For generations and generations, Christians have said this could be the year, or the day when Jesus comes.   I can't imagine that statement ever being more true than to say it today.  Our world is in a mess.  It seems that every area of life you want to talk about, there is controversy, prejudice, hatred, and "the world" seems to be getting it's way.   But God already knew this would happen.  He has a plan for his children, and soon and very soon, he will take us HOME.  Hallelujah!  We're ready to go!    But until then, my heart will go on singing.  Until then, with Joy I'll carry on!   And that's just what we are doing.  New doors continue to open for our family to minister.  Churches, and pastors who have supported our ministry for years continue to do so.   It looks like we will sing more dates this year than ever before.  We thank God first, and then we thank you for praying for, supporting, and inviting us to worship the one, true, risen Savior with you!

Get out of the Routine!

So many times, our churches, we fall into a regular routine of the order of service.  Even The Montgomery Family in our concerts,  begin to do the same songs, in the same order, use the same segue, and pray that the Lord will use it.  And he does.  We had the honor of being a part of a very special service this past Sunday. A pastor had a desire to have a service out of the ordinary routine for the congregation.  We talked and prayed over order of service, song selections, ideas for ministry, ideas to engage the congregation, etc several weeks before the concert. Then smothered the ideas with prayer. God used the "unusual service" and moved in a mighty way among that congregation of believers. May our songs and services NEVER become routine.   May our enthusiasm for the Lords work, and the reminder of what he has done and is doing in our life never lack luster.    We are so thankful for the blessings of yesterday and looking forward with great anticipation for the opportunities tomorrow.

Have you Voted?

Today is Election Day.   My husband and I voted early this year, so our votes have been cast.  I guess never before have I been so concerned with the condition of our country.   For a nation that claims to be "Under God", we seem to be falling short.  It breaks my heart that we, as Christians in many cases over the last years have not taken a stand, we have not let our voice be heard, we have not voted.   Yet we want to complain as to the current events.  While I know we are to show love to everyone, we are to love the sinner, but we are to HATE SIN.   There are some issues our country is dealing with that very clear direction is given in God's word on what our position should be.   There is nothing to think about, pray about, etc.   The word is there in black and white in our Bibles.  We need to stand on God's word and proclaim it from the mountain tops.  When we sit idly by, and watch our neighbors, our community, sometimes our churches (very sad) and our government condone and accept sin, I believe the blood is then on our hands as well.   Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to pray for America.  Prayer is a powerful tool.   But we also need to put feet to our prayers.  Get out and vote.   Let your voice be heard not only at the polls today, but in your conversations everyday.   You can make a difference in someone's life today, and the America that our children and grandchildren will live in tomorrow. 

Robin's Birthday

Oct 21, 1962 Robin Delynn Montgomery entered this world as a 10 lb 1 oz, curly blond haired, blue eyed, baby girl.  Life for the Montgomery Family would never be quite the same.  Maybe it would just never be QUIET.    As her first birthday approached, Robin would get very sick.  After seeing specialist, an emergency surgery was done to remove a diseased third kidney.  God used that sickness to lay on the hearts of two young parents, an even stronger desire to dedicate that baby & their lives to raising that child in the ways of the Lord.  At two years old, singing the songs of Gods love publicly would begin for Robin, and today she is singing stronger and with more passion for ministry than ever before.  Today, as in 50 years ago, her favorite song is "He Touched Me".  She's experienced the physical touch of God on her life, but more importantly she's experienced the spiritual touch, Salvation of God, on her life.    As the song says "and oh the joy that floods my soul" is visible in her countenance.   We hope you know this same Joy!    


The Montgomery Family


Learning to be a Blogger

The creation of a website has certainly been one that has taught us some tech skills that we've never had to use. It has also been an exercise in looking back at the past. Adding pictures and descriptions of early days in music ministry reminds us once again of the rich heritage we are so blessed to have. The website has also made us realize where we are today. We've reflected on music we are singing, look forward to the scheduled events, and the reviews received have been heartwarming. But I guess the greatest experience has been praying over the site as it's developed. Praying that God will use it to open doors. Praying that we represent ourselves as children and servants of Jesus Christ. Praying we always make ministry our first focus and not entertainment. I trust as you maneuver around our site, you sense all those same feelings, and will whisper a prayer for us along the way.

The Montgomery Family