Robin's Birthday
Oct 21, 1962 Robin Delynn Montgomery entered this world as a 10 lb 1 oz, curly blond haired, blue eyed, baby girl. Life for the Montgomery Family would never be quite the same. Maybe it would just never be QUIET. As her first birthday approached, Robin would get very sick. After seeing specialist, an emergency surgery was done to remove a diseased third kidney. God used that sickness to lay on the hearts of two young parents, an even stronger desire to dedicate that baby & their lives to raising that child in the ways of the Lord. At two years old, singing the songs of Gods love publicly would begin for Robin, and today she is singing stronger and with more passion for ministry than ever before. Today, as in 50 years ago, her favorite song is "He Touched Me". She's experienced the physical touch of God on her life, but more importantly she's experienced the spiritual touch, Salvation of God, on her life. As the song says "and oh the joy that floods my soul" is visible in her countenance. We hope you know this same Joy!
The Montgomery Family